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WHEN AND WHERE ARE MEETINGS HELD? The PTO meets once per month at Way.  We also offer the option to join our meetings virtually. Schedule of meetings can be found on our PTO Meetings tab.

WHAT DO MY DONATIONS PAY FOR? Your dues/ donations make all of the following possible! Help cover teacher classroom needs, Staff appreciation (meals, stock the lounge, etc...), Ice Cream Social, Community Service Projects, Fun Run, Halloween Fest, Kindness Crew, Disability Awareness, Valentine’s Bagel Breakfast, End of the Year events, Book Fairs/ One School One Book, Parent Social Events, Variety Show, Assemblies, Outdoor Movie Night, Fifth Grade Farewell, Outdoor Beautification, Family Social Events, and more!

HOW CAN I BECOME PART OF THE ORGANIZATION? When you pay your yearly dues, you are automatically part of the Way PTO.  If you would like to volunteer for a committee or event please reach out to

Have questions that we haven’t covered? Contact us today!

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